

Playlist of 4 videos, 5'0"


  1. Introduction video "The Horror in Us" (1'00")
  2. Week 1/3 Intro, Lecture, + Q&A "Re-Watching the Final Girl" 08.12.2024 (1'34")
  3. Week 2/3 Intro, Lecture + Q&A "Weepies, Trauma and Porn" 15.12.2024 (1'26")
  4. Week 3/3 Intro, Lecture, + Q&A "Re-Historicising Online Misogyny" 22.12.24 (1'42")

In English with Ukrainian language support. With Flutgraben e.V, Cultural Workers Studio Berlin, Public in Private 

From the Flutgraben website:

"This series of accessible presentations dissects contemporary media trends and revisits some ‘old friends’ – with a particular focus on Hollywood film. Critic/theorist Richard Pettifer (AUS/GER) will discuss trends in anti-misogyny, collectivity, trauma recovery, and modes of spectatorship"


"Cancel Culture & Purifying Appropriations" (2022)

Nová Drama Festival Bratislava

Critics Press Conference (2017)

Latvian Theatre Showcase Riga



"Overcoming Human Limits: Superhumanism and Theatre" (2022)

JAMU Conference Brno


Baku International Theatre Conference


 Interview with Kapil Praharia (IND, 2023)

for Faki Festival 25, Zagreb



 with Dijana Karanović, Liam Rees & Richard Pettifer, Faki Festival 2022